OK here goes whats been up.
Well I have been spending alot of time at the scrapbook BB.. probably way to much time.
I have been sewing some things for gifts for Christmas..
And doing lots of embroidery. It helps with my scrapbook addiction.
I haven't scrapbooked to much lately though. I have altered a few things.
I actually have done more embroidery and sewing in the last few weeks than anything.
The washer broke. But at least Michael fixed it for a mere $15 that was great.
Although I would love to have one of those front loading washers. Wow they are expensive.
Michael and I spent the day shopping on Black Friday. We had so much fun as usual. We got lots of bargains too. We had lunch at Red Lobster it was yummy.
We are still in search for one big item for Seth's b-day which is Dec. 31st.
We had a great Thanksgiving. We just had a few people over. Jeffrey didn't make it home.
I don't think Jeffrey is going to make it home for Christmas either. Not sure what his deal is.. That is a whole new post in its self.
I'm waiting on this new cool photo printer hopefully it will come today. I have a few projects I would like to start with that.
I have also finally got a little program to resize photos. So now I can send them to you Aunt Ann.. Look for them soon!
OK enough I guess.
Blog challenge for this week is to finish this " All I want for Christmas is"
So "All I want for Christmas is to make and keep good friends" This seems to be hard to come by these days.
Everyone have a great weekend.
I will blog soon!!