Wednesday, October 31, 2007
7 things.
Janelle tagged me..
I'm supposed to post 7 unusual facts about myself.
This might take awhile to do... hmmm..
1. I don't watch movies much.. and since its Halloween.. I will let you know I hate horror flicks.. Michael loves them.. I have seen a few.. Lets see Hellraiser,chucky, Kujo, parts of several.. Pet Cemetery, Amityville horror, Ruby Red( I might have seen all of this one)..
2. I love to read real crime books. I know this is weird and might freak some people out. Doesn't really make sense since I don't like horror films huh. I will not read Steven King books.. or stuff like that..
3. Some people might think its usually for a person to like to run. most people don't like to exercise.
4. I'm a tomboy.. I loved to make mud pies, climb trees, play baseball, football and kickball. I still don't mind doing those things. I'm just not very good at sports. Maybe this is why I have two boys.. Camping, fishing all the stuff comes into play a lot around here.
more unusually things.. gosh I got to think of some more..I don't think I'm unusual.
5. I love to go hunting with Michael it really is fun to watch the deer.. its peaceful.. He even lets me take my camera..
6. I hate dill pickles...I hate the taste of them the texture everything..ICKY!!
I dress weird sometimes.. I don't know I having a hard time coming up with these..
7. I hate skulls.... don't want them around... not on my scrapbook paper, my clothes , my shoes or even my kids folders.. they are a big hit right now though!!
Oh I almost forgot I need to tag someone.. Kim and Jeanne..I expect to see some lists soon!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Random stuff..
I can't believe October is almost over... where did the time go..
Well, Cross Country season is over. Mckay is all excited and ready for Track, it starts in February.
His State meet was last Saturday at Lexington. They got to cut half a day of school... and the kids at the school gave them a pep rally before they left. I heard it was cool.. I didn't get to see it..
Seth loved the fall festival at his school. He won a new bean bag chair at the silent auction.
I got to run this morning. its cold like 37 or so.. But it was nice since I haven't been out in a week. It rained every day last week seemed like.
There is lots of laundry that needs to be finished here today.
I need to embroider, and I want to do some sewing. I'm working on a new project for Christmas gifts. They are so cute. and if you lucky you might get one. I guess it will depend on how much time I have to get them done before Christmas.
I have sort of thought about making Christmas cards this year. I did buy some cute blank cards and envelopes at Joann's last Friday.
I hope you enjoyed looked at my scrapbook LO's.. I hope to get to crop with friends again soon. I had so much fun.
I'm glad Michael decided to turn the heater on a few days ago. We had frost this morning.
I need to burn a CD with Cross Country pictures on it for the school year book.
I guess that is enough random stuff for today.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I have been tagged. 10/20/30 years ago
What were you doing 10/20/30 years ago...
Oct. 1997.. I had a busy one year old.. I was a SAHM.. not sure how we survived paycheck to paycheck.. We lived in a smaller house about 2 miles from here. Probably at this time I was sewing a Halloween costume for Mckay. He was Hercules I think.. He watched that movie over and over. If I can find a photo I will post it later.
Oct 1987.. Oh this would have been my first year of college. I was studying to be an accountant. I worked at Sears part-time and went to school. I bought my first car 81 black Mustang while working there..
Oct 1977..I cant remember much I was maybe in 2ND grade. This was the year I had like 10 teachers in one year. my main teacher was pregnant.. I hated school a lot that year..well I hated school most of the time.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Some of my LO's from the Scrapbook Retreat..
I have a few more LO's that didn't come home with me.. I scrapped some of Beth's photos and I didn't take a pic of those before she left.. duh!
And one of my pages is in a contest... So I will wait before I share it.. Katie and I are going to win that by the way!
I should have taken photos of the 2 pagers together but you get the idea..
And since Katie's Blog challenge this week is to post a blue LO I think I got that covered too...
What a fun weekend!!!
This is Pam she is so cute!
This is Kim.. she was the host.
This is Janelle.. she is quite a talker.. NOT
This is Beth.. she was showing us her blue tongue from the bubble gum Jeanne gave us.
Jeanne and Katie fighting over cookies.. there were lots to go around not sure why they both wanted that one.
Katie loves the m & m cookies
Jodie is my newest friend.. she even lives close... she is a great photographer.. I will have to post a link to her website.
Katie got the prize she really wanted!
Oh my gosh is all I can say..
We had some much fun!!
We scrapped a total of 250 pages between the eight of us.
Let me post some pic so you can see..
I will post some more fun stuff later..
I hope you enjoy looking at these!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Last PT maybe?
I was told to make an appointment for 2 weeks, if I don't have any problems before then I'm done.. If not I need to come back.
Oh I also got a free t-shirt from my PT.. Free right.. cost a lot more than that..
Yesterday I went out for a 2 mile run. Its been over 2 months since I have done that.
Today I rode my bike 7 miles or so..
I have 2 days to get my stuff packed for the weekend retreat..
I have goody bags to put together and some more laundry to finish..
I also need to work on cleaning the house.. I know it wont look the same when I get home though.
I will miss a lot of things going on this weekend here. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices for a weekend of fun.
So maybe I wont hang out on the computer to much today.. yeah right.
Have a great day!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Its finally cooler here...
Our pumpkins that we planted are dead.. Not enough water I guess.
Fall break is over and things are back to normal routine around here.
I have 4 days until a weekend retreat to scrapbook. I cant wait should be so much fun! I need to set a goal of how many pages I want to get completed.
I changed the colors again on my blog.. I didnt really like the way it looked before..
The picture of the leaves at the top is a tree from our yard..
They are just starting to turn here. Should be peak in a few weeks.
Mckay has 2 more meets and cross country is over for the year. :(
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Fall Break trip..
Mckay fishing..
Seth fishing..
Michael fishing
This is where we stayed..
Lake sunset.. I think this is my favorite pic!!
This is the a pic of the beach cottage from the beach.. The cottage was overlooking the beach.. It a nice hike up to the cottage..
another pic of the lake...
Gosh I couldn't decide which photos to load.. there are so many..
This is a huge lake 1000 plus acres I think I read somewhere..
The boys did a lot of fishing..
We also got lots of exercise.. biking, tennis, hiking, walking..
I got to run a few days.. Oh so nice..
I got to go to a scrapbook store.. not oh 5-10 miles from the lake.. Now the boys knew why I choose this place..
It was beautiful! Very peaceful and quiet..
There wasn't much of a cell phone coverage there either..
I did a lot of relaxing..
The boys said they caught bigger fish and more of them when the camera wasn't around..hehe..
They have a few pic on their cell phones..
I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos.. I have lots more!! I cant wait to scrap some of these..
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Pic from Lexington meet..
I love how Mckay's hair flys when he is running.
Picture of My OLd Kentucky Home
A castle being built in Lexington
We drove up to Lexington for the meet.. its was a 3 hour drive.
On the way home we stopped at My Old KY home the boys have never been there. It was so pretty that day.. I got some great pic..
Mckay finished 22