Rain will it go away?
We took the boys to Holiday World last weekend. Seth is tall enough to ride everything now. We all had a great time.
We got season tickets so we will be going back soon.
Track season is over. Cross Country starts in July.
Still trying to decide where and when to go on vacation. not really sure on this yet.
The boys are counting the last days of school 11 now I think..
Had a great Mother's Day.. the boys took me out to lunch at the Olive Garden..
They also made me breakfast.. let me tell you about the coffee..hehe
Michael found the mess the next morning when he went to make coffee. The boys put the coffee in the water reservoir.. and in with the filter.. it didn't taste to bad.. but I guess it was a big mess for Michael to clean out the next morning.
I have got the flower beds ready for mulch if it would stop raining..
Michael needs to get the evergreen trunk down out of the yard.. most of the branches have been picked up. This is the tree that fell during one of the ice storms.
Nothing real exciting going on here really.
have a great week!