We made it finally to Metropolis,IL to see Superman. It was raining a tiny bit, but not enough to miss out on pictures..
There is a state park there too. Home of Fort Massac.. A replica of a 1802 American Fort. They had a reenactment that day.. We were to late to see that though.. But got to walk thur the buildings at the fort.. We watched a short video of the history of the fort it was interesting. Lewis and Clark stopped here on their travels.
This is a picture from the front.. this is what you would see if you landed on the river.. like the pioneers would see..
This is the lookout tower..
Barracks were the troops or vistors would stay.. depending on the era..
Michael climbed to the top of the lookout tower. This is a picture of him at the middle window..
We got to see the Ohio river.. It is much wider at Metropolis than it is at home.
We then stopped in Paducah, KY across the river basically on the way home and had dinner at Olive Garden..Then we altered the route home. So not as much construction. Hit several back roads.. then picked up the kiddos from my parents..
i love the superman pics. looks like you had a lovely time!
Hmmm...that Superman pic of you reaching up...looks a little interesting. ;-) Great photos. It looks like a lot of fun.
Love the Superman and Supergirl pics!
Aren't those old forts interesting? We went to the one in Fort Madison, IA a couple years ago.
not annoymous...its me Laura! Great pics! I LOL at all of Michaels pics! Esp swinging on hte vine! Hope the pool opens soon! Looks like fun! And where is Nashville IN? LMK and Ill be there!
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